Responsibilities to Our Clients
We shall always act in the best interest of our client, providing professional services with integrity, objectivity, fairness and independence.
We shall only accept assignments for which the employee or associate has the qualifications, knowledge and skill to serve the client effectively.
Before accepting an assignment we shall reach a mutual understanding with the client as to project objectives, scope, work plan, and costs.
At all times, we shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest. Employees or associates shall not accept simultaneous assignments from two or more clients who have potentially conflicting interests without informing all parties in advance and securing all parties’ written prior agreement or understanding.
We shall treat our clients’ information as confidential and take all reasonable precautions to prevent access by unauthorized people. We shall not take advantage of such privileged information for use by our employees or associates or another client, without appropriate permission.
We shall not engage in any malfeasance, dangerous behavior, or illegal activities in any matter related to an assignment.